January 18, 2015

Unical students revolted against the teachings of Muslim Students Association of Nigeria

Posted By: betadvicetips - 10:19 AM


& Comment

By Paul Eje Daniel

The students of Universty of Calabar resident in the Republik of Malabor (students hostel), revolted against the teachings of Muslim Students Association of Nigeria.

The program or seminar which was holding in Malabor Square with about 200 muslim students in attendance, stationed their giants speakers facing each direction of the hostel.

Other students who were in their respective rooms trying to prepare for their upcoming examination and going about with other activities for the weekend were alarmed.

Their anger and revolt was as a result of the continous instigating messages that various speakers in the program were speaking against the Holy Bible and Christianity in general. It got worst when the speakers in the program attacked the much held believe of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and other techings which Christianity holds dear to heart. About 500 students came out to disrupt the program since they could no longer bear the continous 'insult' on Christianity Teachings. It took the intervention of the
school security operatives to calm the angry students down and the program was brought to an end with the protesting students chanting songs of victory.

It should be noted that the Institution is dominated by Christian Students with various fellowships all over the campus.
Some students who spoke out were of the view that 'they should have focused on teachings of Islam instead of attacking other religious belief'.

At the time of this report, none of the SUG Officials could be reached since they where far away in Obudu celebrating the Students' Week.

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