January 23, 2015

The Side Effects Of Nail Polish....

Posted By: Unknown - 9:55 PM


& Comment

Nail polish as we all know is used as a beauty product by millions of people worldwide, does it cause serious health issues? Yes, that is true.
Nail polish can actually cause many health issues for everyone who uses or inhales that scent.

Nail polish contains a chemical known as toluene and if you inhale that chemical, it causes so many different health problems. Brain Damage,
First of all, toluene causes brain damage and that is one of the biggest issues that nail polish can cause. Toluene kills brain cells if you inhale
the scent too much.

Toluene is also used in paints for
painting walls and cars etc. That is why when those are being done, people wear masks. However, people just do not associate nail polish with that because they think that it is not harmful and it looks amazing. But it is the same as that and a mask would a good thing to consider if you do nail polish on a regular basis.

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