January 23, 2015

See Reasons Why YOU Need To Drink Water.....

Posted By: betadvicetips - 6:08 AM


& Comment

According to wikipedia. "Water is a transparent fluid which forms the world's streams, lakes, oceans and rain, and is the major constituent of the fluids of living things.

As a chemical compound, a water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms that are connected by covalent bonds. Water is a liquid at standard ambient temperature and pressure, but it often co- exists on Earth with its solid state, ice; and gaseous state, steam (water vapor). It also exists as snow, fog, dew and cloud."

5 Advantages of Drinking Water in the Morning

1. It helps to balance your lymph system. These glands help you perform your daily functions, balance your body fluids, and fight infections.

2. Glowing Skin. Water helps to purge toxins from the blood which helps your skin glowing and clear.

3. It helps with weight loss. Drinking at least 6 ounces of chilled water can book your metabolism by 24% in the morning.

4. Increases the production of new blood and muscle cells.

5. Drinking water on empty stomach purifies the colon, making it easier to absorb nutrients.

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